Pneumonia epidemic: largest in U.S. history, known focus of $2 trillion stimulus package

The us senate passed a $2 trillion economic stimulus bill in the early hours of Thursday morning to rescue the stricken us economy and help fight a pneumonia epidemic across the country. The bill passed the senate with 96 votes to none. The bill will go to the house of representatives for a vote onContinue reading “Pneumonia epidemic: largest in U.S. history, known focus of $2 trillion stimulus package”

The U.S. economy is in a shutdown and layoffs are coming

Hit by COVID – 19, us economic activity was shut down and a large number of companies began to lay off workers. The latest data from the labor department on Thursday showed new claims for state unemployment benefits rose to 3.28 million in the week ended March 21, well above the historic high of 695,000.Continue reading “The U.S. economy is in a shutdown and layoffs are coming”

The outbreak shock is turning into a financial crisis

The strength of the reserve currency, the dollar, in the face of sharp falls in global equity and asset prices, means a severe tightening of financial conditions and threatens to undo the easy policies of central Banks. Supermarket shelves are being emptied and cash is the only precious commodity in financial markets. The hoarding ofContinue reading “The outbreak shock is turning into a financial crisis”

The federal reserve has cut interest rates for the first time since the financial crisis

The federal reserve suddenly cut interest rates by half a percentage point on March 3rd to cushion the blow. The fed had been expected to cut rates after its meeting on January 17 and 18, but the decision came two weeks early. The last time the fed had an “emergency rate cut” was after theContinue reading “The federal reserve has cut interest rates for the first time since the financial crisis”

Ai versus the Wolf of Wall Street

In October, Nasdaq, the stock exchange, introduced a tool that USES deep learning in artificial intelligence to flag suspicious trades. The technology should make it easier to spot scammers in billions of transactions a year. Nasdaq has adopted new software that, along with traditional methods, looks for stock market crimes such as insider trading. MichaelContinue reading “Ai versus the Wolf of Wall Street”

Synchronoss integrates personal cloud solutions into the platform

“Through to bind Synchronoss personal cloud solutions to our Pocket Geek platform, we will be able to provide customers with a meaningful way to manage their content, at the same time to protect them on all sorts of equipment and the operating system of valuable personal data,” director of Assurant’s global Internet life Manny BecerraContinue reading “Synchronoss integrates personal cloud solutions into the platform”

How will the new crown virus outbreak affect the global economy?

When a deadly SARS virus causing pneumonia appeared in China in 2002, most Chinese factories produced low-cost products such as T-shirts and sports shoes for customers around the world.Seventeen years later, another deadly virus is spreading rapidly in the world’s most populous country. But China has developed into a major component of the global economy,Continue reading “How will the new crown virus outbreak affect the global economy?”


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